450 APs still boot up using the on-board GPS on 13.4 release. Just updated an AP with a SyncPipe attached and it came right up on the on-board instead like 13.2. So I guess that's not fixed.

I've mentioned this before. If you have on-board + power port, it will boot up using the power port. It's only when you have timing port & on-board. This started early in 13.2 builds with the GPS data bug (like Motorola binary on the timing port, aka CMM2 or SyncPipe). I know most of the story behind that. I could be wrong, but I'm going to say that NMEA data is preferred over Mot binary and that's why it comes up on the on-board.

This is very annoying, especially when you get an iGPS lock that sucks and you don't get time/date info for hours or days and all of the log entry times are stupid.

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