Dossy said:

>> 1: A better solution for virtual hosting
>>     a: I don't have to run multiple instances of aolserver
>>     b: the Pageroot variable is updated correctly so scripting
>>         in languages like php can handle virtual hosting
>>     c: logging to seperate files for each virtual server
> Have you tried virtual servers in AOLserver 4.0 yet?

Not yet, I haven't had the time to set up another machine to play with
yet.. ;)

>> 2: full emulation of mod_rewrite and .htaccess files
> I know this isn't what you want to hear, but ... if you want Apache,
> then run Apache.  :-)

Guess what I am running?  :)  Apache.. I stopped running AOLserver on my
personal machine a few months back... for those two requirements..  it
makes it easier for me..  though I will play with AS4 sometime soon to see
if it can do the virtual server stuff as well for me..  ;)

It was using Apache that gave me exposure to the htaccess and
mod_rewrite.. and they are very nice tools..

But I would rather have Aolserver for the speed and inbuit tcl.. :)

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