i didn't mean any personal criticism.

what i do mean is that it's not easy to move between systems,
especially when you don't have the time or money to spend doing it.

in these situations, if docs existed it might make the transition
easier as there probably are elements of apache functionality that
already do exist in aolserver.

granted, i am probably missing the picture of what you need.  if you
have an existing set of permissions and url rewrites on your apache
installation in a big bunch of scattered htaccess files, it wouldn't be
hard to translate those into aolserver's url registeration and
permissions stuff.  make a tcl script that translates your htaccess
files to tcl configs.  then post that script and the method you used so
that someone else could do the same thing into a "how to migrate url
rewrites and permissions from apache to aolserver without the headache"

that way, you can solve the same problem as apache in the
aolserver-approved way without having to duplicate apache code in a
runtime environment.

again, i may be missing something...  and none of this helps you to do
it in the meantime anyway.

> This is an extract of what is in one of the .htaccess files... Mostly
> I
> think it is just the mod_rewrite and the access control stuff that is
> used
> for a lot of what is out there..
> <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteBase /gallery/
> RewriteRule ^([^\.\?/]+)/([0-9]+)$
> /gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=$1&index=$2       [QSA]
> RewriteRule ^([^\.\?/]+)/([A-Za-z_0-9\-]+)$
> /gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=$1&id=$2  [QSA]
> RewriteRule ^([^\.\?/]+)/$      /gallery/$1     [R]
> RewriteRule ^([^\.\?/]+)$
> /gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=$1
>      [QSA]
> </IfModule>

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