I really like this idea. Compiling a how to do this apache thing using
AOLserver tools would go a long way. AOLserver users would see what cool
things Apache can do, and we can learn areas where AOLserver can't do
what Apache can do. From there we would need to decide if we want
AOLserver to do those things at all.

I really doubt an apache compatability layer would be extremely complex
due to the complete different way of handling requests,


On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:02:43AM -0700, derek keller wrote:
> apache compatibility in aolserver?  band-aid.
> keep the products separate but functionally similar, which they are.
> make some docs for apache users:  "how to do apache-specific tasks in
> aolserver" with some examples.  the problem isn't that the
> functionality is missing, its not knowning syntax.
> if someone wants to go as far as to build modules that emulate apache
> from within aolserver, there should be a better reason than lack of
> time or motivation to learn aolserver on the part of the developer.
> again...  to me, as a random lowly aolserver user, this seems to be a
> matter of comprehensive documentation rather than development needs.
> --- "Peter M. Jansson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Compatibility with common apache features would go a long way
> > > towards wider adoption of AS....
> >
> > Unless it would speed migration away from AOLserver.
> =====
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> to come with me and change the world?"
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Dave Bauer

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