For what it's worth, here is my 'Parameters' key for my 8.1 email engine,
in case it helps

"Current Directory"="D:\\ARSystem\\AREmail"
"JVM Library"="C:\\PROGRA~1\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll"
"JVM Option Count"=dword:00000004
"JVM Option Number 0"="-Djava.library.path=D:\\ARSystem\\AREmail"
"JVM Option Number
"JVM Option Number 2"=" -Xms256m"
"JVM Option Number 3"=" -Xmx1024m"
"Start Class"="com.bmc.arsys.emaildaemon.EmailDaemon"
"Start Method"="main"
"Start Param Count"=dword:00000000
"Stop Class"="com.bmc.arsys.emaildaemon.EmailDaemon"
"Stop Method"="stopAllThreads"
"Stop Param Count"=dword:00000000
"System.err File"="D:\\ARSystem\\AREmail\\logs\\stderr.log"
"System.out File"="D:\\ARSystem\\AREmail\\logs\\stdout.log"

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:26 AM, JD Hood <hood...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> To be clear -- Except the batch file's path reference stops at \bin and
> the registry key goes all the way down to the jvm.dll. That's the only
> difference.
> Thanks,
> -JDHood
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 9:24 AM, JD Hood <hood...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wish it was just that simple...
>> I've been living in that registry key for the past few work days... It's
>> the same exact path (copied and pasted) from the  batch file.
>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Longwing, Lj <llongw...@usgs.gov> wrote:
>>> **
>>> JD,
>>> If you check in the registry you will find all of the parameters that
>>> are utilized by the service when running as a service vs running via the
>>> command line, you may find your answer in the java path in the registry.
>>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 6:58 AM, JD Hood <hood...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> **
>>>> I've since tried 64-bit & 32-bit JVM paths - no luck
>>>> I've tried adding all involved paths to the windows PATH statement - no
>>>> luck
>>>> I've tried adding an LD_LIBRARY_PATH env-var with all the library paths
>>>> - no luck
>>>> I've tried copying all the libraries/jars into the \AREmail directory -
>>>> no luck
>>>> I've tried running the service as a variety of users from local to
>>>> domain admin - no luck
>>>> I've compared the service registry entries to a known good working
>>>> system - can't spot a difference other than server names and paths
>>>> The command-line email engine runs just fine with a different set of
>>>> libraries in the **same paths** (I've compared these to a known-good system
>>>> and it's normal) and it runs as the currently logged-in local admin
>>>> account.
>>>> The service, set to run as the same local admin account, fails to
>>>> start-up enough to write to a log. If the windows event log is to be
>>>> trusted, it seems to indicate the JVM didn't start because it couldn't find
>>>> a file in the LoadLibrary statement.
>>>> I am well and truly stumped!
>>>> At this point, I'm wondering about the differences between running as a
>>>> service vs command line and if some group-policy or other security setting
>>>> is causing the issue. If I ever stumble across the resolution, I'll post 
>>>> it.
>>>> Thanks for the suggestions,
>>>> -JDHood
>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Thad Esser <thad.es...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> **
>>>>> Yeah, I was really happy when I found that tool suite.  Process
>>>>> Explorer is nice (similar to "top") and TCPView (netstat) too.
>>>>> Thad
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:58 PM, John Sundberg <
>>>>> john.sundb...@kineticdata.com> wrote:
>>>>>> **
>>>>>> Great tool Thad…
>>>>>> I used to use something like that in the Linux world all the time --
>>>>>> you would see a program try to read a file -- then die right after that 
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> but never give a good message.
>>>>>> Then -- you would change the permissions - so it could see the file -
>>>>>> then bingo - it works.
>>>>>> I did not know such a Window util existed.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -John
>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Thad Esser <thad.es...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>> I used the Sysinternals "Process Monitor" (
>>>>>>> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645) utility
>>>>>>> to watch what was happening during the service startup.  That let me see
>>>>>>> that it was searching for a particular file (mscvr100.dll)  in a
>>>>>>> bunch of folders.  It just so happened that the list of folders was the
>>>>>>> exact same list in the "Path" environment variable, in the same order.
>>>>>>>  That *.dll is part of the java install and is located in the bin 
>>>>>>> folder.
>>>>>>>  Adding the bin folder to the Path was really all it was.  At any rate, 
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> sounds like you are up against something different, so I wanted to 
>>>>>>> suggest
>>>>>>> taking a look at Process Monitor to see if that helped.
>>>>>>> Thad
>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 1:43 PM, JD Hood <hood...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>>> I'll check it again, but I've gone through all the (even
>>>>>>>> semi-related) KB entries. I loaded the path up with the java \bin, 
>>>>>>>> \lib and
>>>>>>>> \aremail paths for good measure as one of my troubleshooting steps, 
>>>>>>>> checked
>>>>>>>> permissions, re-installed java, removed & re-added the service, used
>>>>>>>> several different users and service accounts, and on and on.  As soon 
>>>>>>>> as I
>>>>>>>> regain connectivity, I'm going to try setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
>>>>>>>> manually
>>>>>>>> and see if that does the trick.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -JDHood
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Thad Esser <thad.es...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>>>> JD,
>>>>>>>>> I had this exact same issue, you'll probably find that flashboards
>>>>>>>>> isn't starting up either.  The issue was that the java bin directory 
>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>> not added to the PATH environment variable.  BMC Support insisted 
>>>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>>> java install would do that, but it didn't happen in any of my 
>>>>>>>>> environments.
>>>>>>>>>  Once I added that to the PATH variable, all was good.  The reason 
>>>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>>> works from the command line is that the batch file sets the path.
>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>>>>>>> Thad
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 12:51 PM, JD Hood <hood...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>>>> Environment: v8.1 ARS/ITSM on Windows
>>>>>>>>>> Has anyone encountered a situation where outbound email is
>>>>>>>>>> configured for simple, unassuming, plain-jane SMTP (no user or pass 
>>>>>>>>>> needed)
>>>>>>>>>> and the email service (installed out of the box) will not start?
>>>>>>>>>> I've tried setting the service to run as a domain user account
>>>>>>>>>> (permissioned for MAPI), a local admin account and as a domain admin
>>>>>>>>>> account. It still won't start.
>>>>>>>>>> The weird part: I can switch to command line mode and it works
>>>>>>>>>> just fine with the same outbound settings. From the command line, it
>>>>>>>>>> starts-up, stays-up and happily processes mail until you stop it.
>>>>>>>>>> Logging:
>>>>>>>>>> No email logs or java logs are produced when you try to start the
>>>>>>>>>> service. I don't think it gets far enough to even start a log.
>>>>>>>>>> Windows event Application logs shows three events with the
>>>>>>>>>> following info:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. BMC Remedy Email Engine - MyServerName
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Could not load the Java Virtual Machine
>>>>>>>>>> 3. LoadLibrary The system cannot find the file specified
>>>>>>>>>> I've checked the registry entries for the service and compared it
>>>>>>>>>> to the java paths used with the command line batch file and the 
>>>>>>>>>> paths are
>>>>>>>>>> all correct, down to the jvm.dll for the service.
>>>>>>>>>> Right now, all I have to go on is that, for some unknown reason
>>>>>>>>>> the service can't start a JVM. However running it from the command 
>>>>>>>>>> line, it
>>>>>>>>>> can crank the JVM right up!
>>>>>>>>>> I'm currently stumped.
>>>>>>>>>> If anyone has encountered this before, I'd love to hear how you
>>>>>>>>>> resolved it.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> -JDHood
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *John Sundberg*
>>>>>> Kinetic Data, Inc.
>>>>>> "Your Business. Your Process."
>>>>>> 651-556-0930 I john.sundb...@kineticdata.com
>>>>>>  www.kineticdata.com I community.kineticdata.com
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