Andrew B.;264589 Wrote: 
> You apparently fail to understand that the two greatest influences on a
> hifi system with a competent digital source that costs anything more
> than a few hundred pounds are: (1) the speakers and (2) the room.
> It's pointless to make a comparison like this unless those elements of
> the test system are at least fairly close to your home setup. This is
> why I almost always upgrade my hifi by buying equipment (second hand or
> at keen new prices), using it in my home for a few weeks alongside the
> old kit and then selling the item that I rate as worse.
> It's also pointless to spend DS kind of money on a digital source until
> you have at least spent $20k on speakers and some time and effort in
> sorting out your room acoustics. You will get a far bigger bang for
> your buck at that end of the system. THIS is why my speakers cost 6
> times as much as my digital source (Squeezebox and Benchmark DAC1).
> Andrew

Hi andrew  i completly agree with you  i may have missed making it
clear that my comments was only  my oppinon of it in that system.
However the also compared it to the akurate cd and the difference where
very clear.

I have the full Linn klimax systems with klimax solo amps and klimax
kontrol, thast 40 k alone.
My source is still the sb3 with a linare ps

i have spend huge amounth of time demoing speakeers using  my own amps 
and when i heard the Sonus faber cremonas   i simply couldent resist
the sound.
I liked them better then the amati and the stradivari.
The cremona is under 10.000 usd  but are priced way to low for what it
It  uses all mundorf supreme crossover components and scanspeak
revelator speakers drivers  that are at least  as good as the
stradivari units if not better ,
franco serblin (the sonus faber designer) dont have  a clue have to
make money he uses the best components that are avileble at the given
time and spens as much time as it takes making the speakers really sing
with the cremona  it was 3 years.
but the sonus faber marketing people  intetded to put it  in there
midrange priced sonus faber line  thats why i was given a cheaper

I love em and the are keepers regardless of what the cost the  sound
better to me then enything elase i have heard .

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