My opinion is that as long as a signal is digital or electrical a
component doesn't have to "achieve" anything other than passing the
signal along without distorting it.

Soundstage, microdynamics, detail, bass extension, danceability,
chocolateyness etc are all human descriptions. If the component doesn't
distort the signal then that component is not the problem (the original
recording might be the problem, or the listener, or the mixing

Microphones and loudspeakers have a much tougher job because that is
the moving air / electrical interface. For example, loudspeaker
designers have to make assumptions about the size and nature of the
room, the positioning of the listeners etc. So there isn't a single
"correct" design of loudspeaker not even in theory if zero distortion
were possible from the drivers.

However, there is a theoretically "correct" design of a source with
zero distortion (because sources aren't affected by those additional
things loudspeakers must take into account).

The point being, that a lot of modern sources have very low distortion
and that is all we need of them. That's why, for example, we don't
expect a Transporter, a Linn DS or some future perfect source to
provide previously unheard dynamic range in an Oasis recording: Oasis
recordings are just compressed. What do expect a million dollar source
to achieve?

The point becomes more plain if we imagine a million dollar binding
post on a speaker. What can that achieve? At best it can sound as if
there were no binding post. If a reviewer said it cured his prominent
mid-bass I would be suspicious. It isn't the job of binding posts to
cure prominent mid-bass, that is the job of room treatments, or
loudspeaker designers, or EQ correction.

For me binding posts and sources are the same in that I expect them to
have a minimal distorting effect on the signal (even when Dr. Hook is
playing). Of course taste comes into home audio but tweaks should be at
the speaker or room end (or with EQ facilities) not with sources or
binding posts.


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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