Nonreality;329179 Wrote: 
> I think that it's the air describes it rather well.  JMHO but out of
> everyone that absolutely can hear a difference, it's really 1 out of a
> 1000 that can.  Both imagination and ego are hard to control or admit. 
> But I will give you that there are some that can and they are the ones
> to get to know.  They can set your system up and you'll get good deals
> on equipment as they try to get something that sounds perfect to their
> ears.

I'm beginning to think that responding to your posts is akin to
"feeding the troll" since you always seem to respond to posts about
things regarding what is commonly known as "high end audio" and your
posts always seem to demean, sometimes directly but more often in a
much more subtle way, audiophiles. So let's clear the air a bit.

I consider myself a music lover first and an audiophile second. Does
this mean that I was born with a set of golden ears? No, it means that
I love music and want to hear that music reproduced as closely to the
original recording as possible. Does it mean that I believe all the
crazy claims that abound within the field of high end audio? Absolutely
not, what it means is that I try to use logic, good judgment and my ears
to filter out which crazy claims have a basis in reality and which crazy
claims can safely be ignored.

Just because someone makes some wild claim doesn't mean that ALL
audiophiles believe that claim. There are plenty of audiophiles who
behave just as I do and let logic and their hearing decide which claims
to believe. And there are those audiophiles for whom logic has little to
do with anything but then to each his own.

Which brings me to the main point of this post: just because you can't
hear a difference doesn't mean that someone else can't hear it. There
are many factors involved: the quality of one's audio system, how
familiar the person is with the sound of their audio system and so on.
And if you don't hear a difference, whether it's flac versus mp3 or
cheap versus expensive cables or unconditioned versus conditioned AC
power, then you should be happy that you've saved yourself or can save
yourself some money. But that doesn't give you the right to say or
imply that someone who claims to hear a difference is full of sh*t.

There are many areas where one's knowledge and abilities are far from
perfect and where subtle differences could easily escape one's notice.
A professional photographer might see something in a otherwise
perfectly good photograph that causes them to regard that photo as
flawed while a more pedestrian photographer might regard the same photo
as one of the best they have ever seen.

I'm pretty sure that you've heard all the arguments, both pro and con,
regarding various types of enthusiasts and their pursuits: oenophiles
(wine lovers), car lovers, audiophiles, etc., so I'm not going to
repeat them here. I only ask that if you have nothing of value to add
to the discussion to please keep your snide remarks and derisive
comments to yourself since after all, this section of the forum is
entitled "Audiophiles". Thanks


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