Nonreality;329510 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure what being a troll means.  I've heard it before and know
> that it's a negative remark.  You might want to read my posts again and
> see if what you imply is true.  I really think that I help people quite
> a bit here and I'll compare to your polished record without looking at
> it.  You have a definition of an Audiophile and I have mine.  So you
> insult me and tell me I don't belong here unless I agree with yours.  I
> guess I can understand that coming from someone that doesn't agree with
> me.  It shows a lot about you but if it makes you feel good, I'm not
> going to argue with you about it.  If you noticed at all, in the
> beginning of this thread there was a post that got attacked, and I said
> it probably would be attacked.  I also said that maybe there was
> something here to think about and maybe discuss instead of just
> dismissing it. I said this just to maybe get some ideas out there and
> get something going.  Then there were some interesting ideas that
> didn't agree with me but discussion nonetheless.  I'm learning as I go
> and I will throw out ideas that may be wrong and opinions that also may
> be wrong.  But now you tell me that I shouldn't even post here because
> I'm not part of this club or something or I'm a troll.  I participate
> in 3 forums that I can think of, this being one of them.  I help people
> here with ripping and tagging as I do know something that I think I can
> offer.  I also am on the Hydrogenaudio forums and the Mediamonkey
> forums.  You can read everything.  If I'm a troll then I do plead
> ignorance or accidence. I feel that you have no reason to get personal
> with me from my posts but I guess you can do that in your club.  I'm
> not sure how I get into "your" audiophile club so that I can choose who
> can post here but I didn't read it anywhere in the guidelines.  Maybe
> you could show me. While your at it you can also tell me how my posts
> add value or not.  I need to know your rules to abide them.  I do have
> fun at times but I never try to be mean or insulting as you have done
> to me.  If we can't have fun and tweak people once in a while, what
> kind of place is this?  Whatever I did to piss you off, I'm sorry but
> it was not my intention.

Funny even your "who me?" response contains a very strong whiff of
troll. However, since I really do believe that you do not mean harm
I'll do my best to try and patch things up, so to speak.

First, I've seen many of your other posts here on the Slim Devices
forum and, as you state, you very often to provide helpful and
informative information and in general, you are a very worthwhile
member of this forum.

Second, I don't mind being "tweaked" when the "tweaking" has a basis in
reality but I do take offense when the "tweaking" is just wrong. For
example, were this discussion about power cords and you subtly implied
that kilo-buck power cords were akin to snake oil, I won't have a
problem since, other than via subjective listening tests, the worth of
expensive power cords has not been shown. On the hand, when it comes to
lossy compression versus lossless compression the worth of lossless
compression as been clearly shown, both via controlled listening tests
and scientific fact, so therefore, I have a problem with the

You may not want to believe it but even within the wacky field of
audiophilia there are many things which can be proven (via controlled
listening tests and scientific facts) along the many things that may
never be proven. What it appears to me that you are doing is treating
all things audiophile as just so much snake oil and taking your pot
shots without regard to the science that may prove the audiophiles
right and you wrong.

All I ask is that when the facts show that the golden eared audiophiles
may, indeed, be correct that you respect those facts and keep the
sniping down to a minimum.


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Transporter 2

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