ralphpnj;329233 Wrote: 
> I'm beginning to think that responding to your posts is akin to "feeding
> the troll" since you always seem to respond to posts about things
> regarding what is commonly known as "high end audio" and your posts
> always seem to demean, sometimes directly but more often in a much more
> subtle way, audiophiles. So let's clear the air a bit.
> I consider myself a music lover first and an audiophile second. Does
> this mean that I was born with a set of golden ears? No, it means that
> I love music and want to hear that music reproduced as closely to the
> original recording as possible. Does it mean that I believe all the
> crazy claims that abound within the field of high end audio? Absolutely
> not, what it means is that I try to use logic, good judgment and my ears
> to filter out which crazy claims have a basis in reality and which crazy
> claims can safely be ignored.
> Just because someone makes some wild claim doesn't mean that ALL
> audiophiles believe that claim. There are plenty of audiophiles who
> behave just as I do and let logic and their hearing decide which claims
> to believe. And there are those audiophiles for whom logic has little to
> do with anything but then to each his own.
> Which brings me to the main point of this post: just because you can't
> hear a difference doesn't mean that someone else can't hear it. There
> are many factors involved: the quality of one's audio system, how
> familiar the person is with the sound of their audio system and so on.
> And if you don't hear a difference, whether it's flac versus mp3 or
> cheap versus expensive cables or unconditioned versus conditioned AC
> power, then you should be happy that you've saved yourself or can save
> yourself some money. But that doesn't give you the right to say or
> imply that someone who claims to hear a difference is full of sh*t.
> There are many areas where one's knowledge and abilities are far from
> perfect and where subtle differences could easily escape one's notice.
> A professional photographer might see something in a otherwise
> perfectly good photograph that causes them to regard that photo as
> flawed while a more pedestrian photographer might regard the same photo
> as one of the best they have ever seen.
> I'm pretty sure that you've heard all the arguments, both pro and con,
> regarding various types of enthusiasts and their pursuits: oenophiles
> (wine lovers), car lovers, audiophiles, etc., so I'm not going to
> repeat them here. I only ask that if you have nothing of value to add
> to the discussion to please keep your snide remarks and derisive
> comments to yourself since after all, this section of the forum is
> entitled "Audiophiles". Thanks

I'm not sure what being a troll means.  I've heard it before and know
that it's a negative remark.  You might want to read my posts again and
see if what you imply is true.  I really think that I help people quite
a bit here and I'll compare to your polished record without looking at
it.  You have a definition of an Audiophile and I have mine.  So you
insult me and tell me I don't belong here unless I agree with yours.  I
guess I can understand that coming from someone that doesn't agree with
me.  It shows a lot about you but if it makes you feel good, I'm not
going to argue with you about it.  If you noticed at all, in the
beginning of this thread there was a post that got attacked, and I said
it probably would be attacked.  I also said that maybe there was
something here to think about and maybe discuss instead of just
dismissing it. I said this just to maybe get some ideas out there and
get something going.  Then there were some interesting ideas that
didn't agree with me but discussion nonetheless.  I'm learning as I go
and I will throw out ideas that may be wrong and opinions that also may
be wrong.  But now you tell me that I shouldn't even post here because
I'm not part of this club or something or I'm a troll.  I participate
in 3 forums that I can think of, this being one of them.  I help people
here with ripping and tagging as I do know something that I think I can
offer.  I also am on the Hydrogenaudio forums and the Mediamonkey
forums.  You can read everything.  If I'm a troll then I do plead
ignorance or accidence. I feel that you have no reason to get personal
with me from my posts but I guess you can do that in your club.  I'm
not sure how I get into "your" audiophile club so that I can choose who
can post here but I didn't read it anywhere in the guidelines.  Maybe
you could show me. While your at it you can also tell me how my posts
add value or not.  I need to know your rules to abide them.  I do have
fun at times but I never try to be mean or insulting as you have done
to me.  If we can't have fun and tweak people once in a while, what
kind of place is this?  Whatever I did to piss you off, I'm sorry but
it was not my intention.



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