Eric Carroll;410852 Wrote: 
> Priceless reply. 
> But I don't think anyone answered your actual question. 
> You should expect XLR outputs to be +6 dB above RCA connections. In
> addition, but more variably, -nominal- line level between RCA
> (consumer) and XLR balanced (professional) can vary up to 12-14 dB.
> Maximum levels differ as well. Its variable because not all vendors
> implement it the same way, unfortunately.
> Further insight for SB3/Tp is available on the 'ConnectToPowerAmp'
> ( wiki page. 
> So level matching with a sound meter as you have done is critical for
> testing, and you should not expect equal settings on the two devices
> for different connection types.

I appreciate your reply to the initial question.  The sound level meter
is definitely the way to go....

opaqueice;410853 Wrote: 
> You might find this thread interesting:

That thread says a lot.  I, for one, am not in the least bit surprised
by the findings.

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