The point is not whether there is a differencee between the dacs , but
whether you like any of the DACS. My take on the TP's dac is that it is
analytical and not that much better than the Sb's ... I dont enjoy
listening to it..your mileage may vary.
I recon both units are best used as high end transports which leaves
you free to find the dac that you like instead fo being tied to either
- if that is the direction you take then keep the cheaper SB as its
digital output is as good as the TP's
The TP might have other advantages over the SB that make it worthwhile
, like its balanced analog outputs , its ability to act as both a
digital and "normal" pre , its ability to feed its own dac and thus
insert some sort of DSP processor, looks , high res files  and so on.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
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