El Duderino wrote:
> iPhone;409297 Wrote: 
>> If you are going to use FLAC or some other lossless format and can
>> afford the Transporter, keep it and enjoy the music instead of wasting
>> time setting up incorrect/incomplete testing procedures.
> Not sure what prompted such an unpleasant reply.

Oh, you get them in here. Par for the course really. A thick skin helps!


> Your ears are connected to your brain...really?  I should keep that in
> mind before I go and perform that cochlear implant tomorrow morning. 

Lol. Priceless.

> I plan on using the TP to listen to music rather than
> gather audio engineer friends and break out the oscilloscopes to start
> measuring.

Amen, brother.

> In conclusion, I believe the original post was a valid question about
> my experiences A/B'ing the TP and SB3.  I was simply asking questions
> to refine my testing so that I could assess the two devices.  Thus far,
> the majority of comments with the exception of yours seem to have
> offered decent advice so I'm clearly not wasting everyone's time. 
> Thank you for your time regardless.

Thank *you* for a superb riposte to a typical audiophile post.



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