On 02/05/10 23:08, mswlogo wrote:

> When you don't have a good technical explanation this what people
> resort to.
> Brahms and Marching bands in the same cut.
> What do you do for work?
> You're not a musician are you?
> You spent too much, so you must be idiot?
> I'm waiting for the spelling and grammer comments.

Nah, that would be too easy a target :)

What exactly are you expecting a good, technical explanation of?

Several people have explained to you where your logic is flawed -
cliveb, Phil Leigh, to name but two. Was that not good enough for you?

As for your continued insistence that "clipping" a track is OK (as long
as it's only an "itty bit") - do you need an explanation of why this is bad?

In fact, the sample you posted is probably hard-limited (ie.
compressed), which is not the same as being "clipped".

Oh, and you still haven't explained to me how you *increase* dynamic
range by cutting the peaks off the signal.

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