On 02/05/10 23:53, mswlogo wrote:
> As I have defended myself the insults go up.
> So now you're saying the example I gave isn't clipping?

You will recall that I have said previously:

"... or you're possibly using the term incorrectly."

I believe you are using the term incorrectly. There is a subtle
difference between "clipping" and compression/limiting. Raw clipping is
bad. Compression/limiting is used to increase the apparent loudness of
tracks (see Loudness wars [1]), which I personally thinks is almost as bad!

> Your right, I was correcting the "increase in dynamic range" in that
> post when you replied. I'll let you dig it out.

I actually read the forum via the mailing list interface so I only get
to see your first posting, not subsequent edits.

> There is at least 1/2 dozen folks that replied to this thread staeing
> keeping Transporter/SB at full scale is critical. I totally agree and I
> tried to explain why that's the case to folks that do hear it. If you
> don't hear it. That's absolutely fantastic. Keep spinning that dial all
> you want.

There *are* at least 1/2 dozen folks who have stated that it is
important to keep the Transporter *near* full-scale for well-understood
reasons. I think you are the only person who is stating that it should
be kept *at* full-scale.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war
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