What is it with some people who think they can second-guess qualified
engineers who obviously know what they are talking about (and often
provide references to reputable sources to prove it)? It's a disease,
this "everyone's opinion is equally valid" mentality. No, Some people
know what they are talking about, others don't. The post-modern hell
which thinks otherwise is unfortunately made much worse by the
internet, which allows any crackpot to reinforce their prejudices
before giving them a platform to broadcast their "ideas" to the world.

The problem is that the more of this stuff that is posted, the more
reinforcement there is for the next wave of crackpots to feed on, which
is why it is necessary for those with real knowledge to challenge this
stuff whenever it appears. Just think of the kind of use links to this
thread would be put to if the crazy posts were left unchallenged!

I should say that although I am scientifically trained, and work in IT,
the kind of stuff relevant to this discussion is not my area, so I trust
those whose area it is. And before someone says that this is a recipe
for being stuck for ever at current levels of understanding, remember
it is the scientists, researchers and engineers in the field who will
make the progress which leads to refined and new theories in the
future. That is how science works - there are no dogmas, no tablets of
stone. The more complete understanding of phenomena in the future will
be built on top of the current state of the art, not on foundations of
subjectivism and ignorance. 

Let's save subjective discussion for questions of music and
performance, and give proper respect to the scientists and engineers
whose discoveries and work allows us to experience frighteningly high
quality sound reproduction in our own homes, sometimes separated by
many decades from the original performances.

darrell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13460
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93257

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