arnyk wrote: 
> A basic rule of debating which seems to have been repeatedly ignored is
> that -*it is proper is to attack the issue*-, but *-it is improper to
> attack the personal properties of the person raising the issue-*.
> For a clear example of a personal attack Jkeny, let's take a recent post
> wherein you personally attacked me based on a false claim about my age.
> I can provide an image of my Driver's license that has my correct and
> legal age on it which is most definitely different than what you falsely
> claimed, for the obvious purpose of ridiculing me.
> Do I need to provide a link to it Jkeny,
> (
> or can you still remember it? ;-)
> I somehow thought you were in your 70s from your posts on AVS forum but
searching, I now see you stated you were 67 in 2014 - my apologies for
stating your age incorrectly. So just to correct my original reply to
jh901s incredulity that
"_Those_members_are_presumably_grown_men_in_their_40s_or_50s.\"_ I
should have said *"**-I believe ArnyK is 67 or 68 - go figure!!"-* 
Is that better?  

> Of course, I do. It is logically impossible to reliably and accurately
> identify and isolate an aspect of sound using sighted evaluations due to
> their many flaws which lead to both false positive and false negative
> outcomes. The operative word here being *-false-*, you know like your
> irrelevant and false claim about my age.I really don't get your position - I 
> thought that an ABX test should
ONLY be entered into if a difference is identified? Now, part of your
ABX testing is the ability for the user to "train" himself by using
"sighted" listening prior to the test. In other words, using Foobar ABX
we can repeatedly play file A or file B (both of which we know the
identities of) & jump between tracks at any point. Is this not intended
to allow the user to isolate & identify differences that they can
reliably identify "sighted" before continuing to the blind part of the

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