arnyk wrote: 
> The cheapest , easiest way to do ABX tests is with one of the software
> ABX comparators. I strongly recommend getting some experience and
> listener training with one of those before trying ABX tests running on
> real hardware.
> Just about any kind of physical ABX can be transported to the realm of
> software ABX, but you have to have some faith in science to do so. You
> have to believe that:
> (1) You have to believe that it is possible for digital recordings to be
> sonically blameless.
> (2) ADCs exist which are sonically blameless. If that is true then you
> can record audio signals and the recordings will representative of
> reality.
> (3) DACs exist which are sonically blameless. If that is true then you
> can record audio signals and the recordings will representative of
> reality.
> These are all scientifically true, but I know that I am often dealing
> with people that doubt established science.

Morning Arny!

I can understand what you are saying, but given that I'm trying to
compare 2 DAC's doesn't your assumption 3 sort of assume away my
comparison? I know that you don't expect me to detect anything objective
in my proposed DBT (& I'm prepared to accept the objective evidence of
my test, so I'm not being close-minded, probably more like
bloody-minded!) but surely if everyone assumed that all currently
accepted scientific hypotheses are correct they could never be falsified
because nobody would ever carry out an experiment that *-might-* falsify

The whole thrust of the scientific method is that all hypotheses remain
provisional, at least to some extent. Even Conservation Of Energy, Laws
of Thermodynamics, etc. As previously noted, Einstein spent about 30
years trying to find a flaw in Quantum Mechanics although he didn't
succeed. He wasn't being a bad scientist by trying, he just appears to
have backed the wrong horse, like Sir Fred Hoyle did with his Steady
State alternative to Big Bang. Maybe in 100 years time this will all
appear differently.

Alain Aspect probably wouldn't have carried out his 1982 (got it right
this time) "action at a distance" experiment had the dispute between
Bohr & Einstein not been so passionate & protracted.

I don't have much of an alternative theory to whichever hypothesis
you're deriving your conclusions from, it's just that I still feel like
I'm hearing something that you're adamant I can't be hearing & I want to
experiment. What's wrong with that? 99.9999% I'm doomed to failure,
0.0001% I might get a Nobel Prize like those Bell engineers :D (of
course I'm not serious).

Dave :)

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