arnyk wrote: 
>  However ABX is not the only valid form of listening tests, and for some
> things it is not the best. Its biggest weakness is its biggest strength,
> and that is the fact that it is not a preference test. It is a test of
> what sounds different or not, and that is that.

Hi Arny!

I've thought about this before responding so forgive my delay (it's only
to it better!).

Of course you are absolutely correct that ABX in essence is a test of
discrimination, not preference.

There is nothing to stop me from asking my listening panel at the end of
the test when they've had plenty of acclimatisation time & exposure to
the known "A" &"B" sources which they prefer.

This is essentially an opinion poll, but if you asked people whether
they preferred Beethoven or Stockhausen one might expect a more
polarised response than you'd get if the question was whether they
preferred Beethoven or Mozart, if you see what I mean.

You can't eliminate subjectivity from musical appreciation.

Dave :)

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