>>>>> "AL" == Alex Lancaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AL> Ideally, SyncBBDB could be written to be a conduit with
AL> gnome-pilot, or at least could be used with both.

>>>>> "TD" == Thomas E Deweese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

TD>     Well, SyncBBDB is intentionally written to be more or less
TD> independent of PilotMgr (but is obviously very dependent on Perl).
TD> Included in the distribution is a file called 'bootstrap' which
TD> will run SyncBBDB independent of PilotMgr.

Indeed, I did run the independent version at one point, although it's
not independent in the sense that it requires a number of Perl
packages that aren't included in SyncBBDB, IIRC.

TD>     I don't know what gnome-pilot uses as it's interface for
TD> conduits, but I would think that patching in SyncBBDB (either
TD> through something like bootstrap, which would give you no
TD> integration, or writing another front-end) shouldn't be too bad,
TD> as long as you didn't mind firing up Perl.

<offtopic> It's mainly a stylistic thing, I guess.  I don't dislike
Perl in principle, but in practice, I find it very hard to maintain
the multiple versions of third-party Perl packages from CPAN in a
straightforward way (i.e with RPMs etc).  PilotManager (not SyncBBDB)
is particularly awkward in this respect.  Anyway, this is getting
off-topic, so I'll quit now.  </offtopic>

TD>     I'd be happy to accept code donations or URL's :)

I'd like to, if I could just find the time... ;-) I promise to send
good bug reports and patches at the very least.  Not to look a gift
horse in the mouth, thanks for the program in the first place, my Palm
and BBDB are happily chatting away.

Alex Lancaster * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * www.santafe.edu/~alex * +1 510 642-1233

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