> -----Original Message-----
> From: Irwan Effendi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 17 August 2005 7:18 PM
> Dear Mr Sammy Pangerapan,
> We would like to receive official answer from APJII regarding 
> the following
> questions:
> 1. Is there any specific technical issues that calls for 
> setting up an entirely new organization to manage ccTLD .id? 
> If there is, please explain to us in elaborative manners.
> 2. Have APJII explore other ways to gain better role in the 
> management, aside of creating a new organization? Joining the 
> current managing organization as a member is one example that 
> we can propose.
> 3. Change should only be pursued if it will result in 
> improvement. Please list the details of improvements expected 
> as the result of creating a new organization, as well as the 
> supporting studies.
> 4. How will APJII handle the transition of management to 
> prevent disruption of service ? Does APJII have personnels 
> already accustomed to the current system, or does APJII have 
> a signed agreement from parties involved in the current 
> management, promising to provide technical expertise during 
> the transition?

Pak Sammy yang baik,
Terlepas dari siapapun yang bertanya, ada baiknya pertanyaan tsb dijawab.
Anggap saja pertanyaan ini dari salah satu pengguna Internet.
Internet users (termasuk saya) yang lainnya, tentu banyak juga yang ingin
tahu jawabannya.



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