I disagree with that.

No presumption is required. If decisions are made based solely on race, 
that's racism. Doesn't matter what assumptions you've made about either 
group.  Let's say for example you make NO assumptions about any race....and 
yet still make decisions based solely on race. That's still racism, is it 

I don't think race should matter one iota, not one bit. Shouldn't even be 
considered. Anything less is racism.

I'm stubborn about this :)

>> Dana wrote:
>> Be more racist to be for affirmative action in my opinion.
> Affirmative Action is not racist in that it doesn't assume, for
> example, that all blacks are stupid.  What it does is to try to
> address a disparity, which is a good thing in principle.
> Many private schools will do this to get diversity in their student
> body.  For example, a 1600 SAT and 4.0 GPA won't get you into Harvard
> - you need more if you're white, but maybe not if you're black.
> One institution's goals may differ from another, however.  For
> example, one school may want only the best and brightest and so the
> measures should not include race.  Another school may want a diverse
> group of the best across races so they may consider race (the best
> Asians, the best blacks, the best whites, etc.)
> An engineering school may not care about race, but they might want
> more women so they drop a male student with better credentials in
> favor of a female.
> Public schools and firms, however, should be meritocracies.  You can't
> legislate that though.  Everyone will be discriminated for something
> so if you don't get what you want somewhere, leave.

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