I'm not assuming anything.You said that there should be no government mandate 
against human nature with regards to Racism.
Perhaps there is some impairment to your understanding of what that statement 
truly means.

You are saying that if the nature of Caucasian America is to be racist and to 
subjugate and segregate then this should be allowed to
continue. There should be no government mandate against it, even though it goes 
against your country's constitution and your
decleration of independence. Therefore extrapolating this logic the Civil 
Rights movement should never have been started, since this
Mandated a change in the Nature of Whites at the time.

Sorry, you can't be the Blackest white man (I find that hilarious btw, and 
having a lot of non-white friends and trying to talk the
'lingo' doesn't make you the blackest white man lol!), and still hold that if 
racism is human nature it should be allowed.

White Americans have NOT hired people regardless of color, and White Americans 
control the hiring and college admissions in the
United States. 

*THAT’S* the problem. 

And I can't believe you entered into discussion not recognising that single 
inalienable fact.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg 
> If White owned businesses do not wish to hire Non White people then so be it. 
> Let it continue.

if the owner of that company wants to run his company that way... how can 
ANYONE tell him different?

why not just hire people regardless of color.  as i would.  see, you are 
assuming that i dont like people due to the color of their
Gel, im the blackest white person you might ever meet.  so please do not assume 
any longer.

my peer group?  my 50 or so non-white friends, and the other 200 hundred or so 
close white friends of mine, who all share everything
with people of many colors?  should i ask them? or are you done fucking 
assuming here?

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