specific evidence please. Not rhetoric like "selling out job creation
for votes from the green movement."

Is there a specific agreement? Has this been publicized in a reputable
newspaper, not world net daily btw.

Boehner's involvement is very clear and is mostly there for all to
see. His financial disclosure statements (where complete) show that he
stands to benefit from legislation he created and sponsored. Last I
looked financial gain via the misuse of one's legislative office is
one of the definitions of political corruption.

Where is the so called deal with the "green movement" and where is it
documented? How is making a decision that is in line with a
substantial block of supporters considered corruption? I thought that
is what politicians are supposed to do - advance legislation or make
decisions that represent a significant proportion of your electorate's

So Jerry the next time a Republican politician makes a deal that a
portion of the republican electorate supports, are you going to call
that corrupt?

Next you say you have not done the research. Its arguing from
ignorance rather from knowledge. If you have not done the research why
the hell should your comments have any validity. For that matter why
should anyone even respect those opinions if they are based on
self-admitted ignorance. Moreover just because someone from the
political opposition has done something similar in your perception
(again opinion not fact so far), that does not mean that a false
equivalence is a legitimate argument.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "I was just pointing out the corruption involved on the Republican side."
> But why didn't you bring out the corruption of the
> Democrats, particularly President Obama selling out job creation for votes
> from the green movement.  It's okay to be balanced.
> "The speaker stands to make hundreds of thousands based solely on his
> position. "
> I haven't done the research to know if this is true or not.  Assuming it
> is, which is not difficult considering it is dealing with politicians, it
> looks Boehner learned a few things from Nancy Pelosi when she was speaker.
>  He needs to up his game if he wants to do as well as she did though.
> J
> -
> We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. - Nancy
> Pelosi
> "The Government should not keep information confidential merely because
> public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and
> failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears." -
> Barrack Obama

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