On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "and a pragmatist. He was all about building coalitions, and VISTA (a
> US government agency) used to use his book to train their volunteers."
> I'll give you that he was a pragmatist.  But, so were Stalin and Mao.

Wait... weren't you just complaining that he practiced the politics of
division, or something like that? You're entitled to not like the guy, but
you get bonus points if your reasons aren't mutually contradictory.

> "I know the right has been demonizing him because of the Chicago-organizer
> link to Obama, but that has about as much validity as Freedom fries had
> back in the day."
> Who cares about the link to Obama?  It's more about the lack of ethics and
> morals that concern me and that ideal being propagated for others to use.

Huh. All I know is that nobody else had ever heard of the guy until Obama
got elected, and then community organizer became a dirty word.

"have you actually read his book, or anything about him? "
> Already answered.

No actually... not that I saw. Unless the answer is no?

> Anyway, just to find more about his character, you can read a 1972 Playboy
> interview.  In it, he describes a system where he could use fraud to get a
> meal for the price of a cup of coffee.  He then talks about teaching this
> trick to dozens of students.  The kicker is, he then describes how irate he
> became when the restaurants changed their receipts, thus making it
> impossible for him and his cronies to keep stealing from them.  He was
> actually angry that the restaurants wanted to protect their work.

Link? Never heard this. I suppose it's possible, as the 60s did have a kind
of *Steal this Book *
mentality...shrug. I am talking about his philosophy as laid out in his
book. I am betting that you got this anecdote from some right-wing screed
that seriously distorted it.

> "This really sounds like the Fox News version of his life. "
> I wouldn't know.  I haven't watched Fox News in months (and didn't watch it
> much then) and don't plan on watching them in the future.  I have decided
> that they are just another arm of the progressive news establishment.
>  Their job is to push those not on board with the program to
> acceptable alternatives.  For example, if we can't convince Americans that
> Obama is great, we'll have to make them think Romney is great.

AH. They are not crazy *enough* for you, I get it. The *National
Standard*version then? The Michael Savage version? Whatever.

"Or does saying that make me a progressive statist too? "
> I don't know.  From your posts, I would definitely put you as less than
> conservative.

Less than, lol. You're the neo-liberal here ;) I think we seriously
disagree on the meaning of the word conservative. In my world,
conservatives don't squander lives and money on ventures that work against
the interests they are supposed to be managing.

 "I really want to know if you'll apply the term to someone who left Canada

> because they didn't like the nanny state :)"
> Which is really ironic considering how things have changed lately.

Eh. They've learned to gerrymander and sell out to big business, especially
in Ontario. But they are still a nanny state -- they just let people
destroy the environment as well.


> -
> You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out
> of freedom. When half of the people get an idea that they do not have to
> work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the
> other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else
> is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end
> of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. - Adrian Pierce
> Rogers

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