Brian Kotek wrote:
> I mean, I could say the best methodology is the
> "build the best application" methodology.  There are no
> repeatable steps to this methodology, no way to document it in a
> way that someone else can use.  But when you use it and you do it
> right, whooeee the results are amazing!


Not to try and get you back into the thread here 8^), but there are numerous
methodologies/frameworks/paradigms/etc. out there, for any number of
languages, that consistently produce successful products.  Of course, those
same methodologies/frameworks/paradigms/etc. can also consistently create
dreck.  I think the key is not so much in the
methodologies/frameworks/paradigms/etc. as it is in the preparations made
prior to the actual development of the code.

In my experience, which includes long stretches of time at "programming
shops" as well as technology consultancies, the most successful projects and
products have been those in which a significant amount of time was spent,
prior to actual coding, in developing the concept of the final product, the
details of inner and outer workings, the documents supporting these details,
solid planning (including time for unforeseeables), solid programming, peer
review/oversight/auditing/whatever, testing, and more.  Whether or not all
of this was wrapped into Framework X, Methodology Y, or Paradigm Z was of
very little import if all of the other factors were not there.

I think that, in general, any standard, whether standardized at the
individual; organization, or community at large, can be beneficial.  But it
tends to be only a small part of the larger process.  Frameworks are great
for taking care of core functionalities, methodologies are great for
explaining how things should be done, and "paradigm" is a horrible word that
should never have found its way into our lexicon but no matter what you use,
or even if you don't use anything at all, if you don't have a solid pre- and
post- coding process, you're still not going to produce a successful

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 942-5378
Fax: (301) 933-3651


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