On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Timm Murray wrote:

> I am certain that the FBI and other similar groups have been waiting for
> something like this for years so they can get in all their wiretapping laws
> and such.  While elected areas of the government may be prone to stupidity,
> the unelected areas (such as the FBI/NSA/CIA/whatever) are often extremely
> intelligent.  I remember being told that you have to have a masters degree to
> get in to the US Marshels, and I believe that extends to the FBI as well.
> The NSA employs an awful lot of expert mathmatitions for creating and
> breaking crypto, so they're no fools.  These are the groups we should be most
> worried about.
> Further, what else would make an unpopular president suddenly skyrocket to
> 90%+ approval ratings?
> I don't know if they really knew about the attacks beforehand, but the
> hypothisis fits the available facts.

Have some faith in our government.  The government would never plan something
like this.  If they did now about it ahead of time it was probably lack of
communication that caused the word not to get out in time.

Also, the wiretap laws really don't bother me. Why? Because, they
probably have been doing it anyway, but in secret.  The phone and
unencrypted Internet communications are widely known to be insecure methods
of communication.  What would of unset me was that if it was also coupled
with making strong encryption illegal or if they reenacted the export laws
on encryption, fortunately they did not do this.

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