Hi all,

Sorry for not answering all the messages before, but I don't have access
to my ASF account from work.

So, instead of answering issue by issue, here is a brief 'digest'
(without quoting names, just to make it short):

- some people said MyEclipseIDE  (MEIDE, for short) is not necessary, as
there are OSS-equivalent tools for all its tasks. I used to think so
too, specially after Lomboz was open sourced (in fact, I even blogged
about it - http://weblogs.java.net/pub/wlg/944), but the truth is that
MEIDE is far superior than its OSS peers, unfortunately. That situation
may change in the future though, as the Webtools matures. Anyway, that's
(if MEIDE is a good tool or not) is not the point.

- most of people didn't like the attitude of MEIDE asking for 'a case' -
neither did I, to be honest. But as others pointed out, that behavior
seemed to be driven by ignorance rather than arrogance

- another good point is that ASF doesn't have yet a formal process about
tools donation. Someone suggested a 'Thank you' page for companies that
provide such donations, which I think it's a good idea.

- finally, it was said that the PRC should be contacted for such
donations procedures.

Given these facts, my conclusion is that the 'audience is divided' and
that this is mainly a PRC matter anyways. So, I will continue this issue
with them then, and then post the conclusion here in the list.

Regards - and thanks all for the feedback.

-- Felipe

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