On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com>

> >> I hate to rain on your parade but any restriction on how the result is
> >> used that goes further than the (very few) restrictions in the ALv2
> >> means that the result it can't be licensed under the ALv2 and that will
> >> cause problems.
> Let me clarify the restriction to assist in deliberation.
> Step 1: Cordova pushes a lot of text through Bing translate and published
> it.
> Step 2: Some third party scrapes the web site in both languages,
> aligns the results, and adds it to an MT corpus.
> Step 3: Microsoft is unhappy.
> I find it hard to believe that MS imposes this constraint in this
> instance. It's one thing to tell a direct user of the API that they
> can't go training models. This would seem to require any web site that
> used Bing translate to have a TOS forbidding training MT engines on
> the multiple languages. I'd clarify if MS is really asking for that.

Also, if you choose to switch to a different translator at some point, it
is likely that they will use the previous translations as the base for a
translation memory even if humans are doing the translation.  That counts
as the project using the text to train a translation engine.

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