On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:58:00AM -0400, Manni Wood wrote:
> The real trick is getting Apache to serve all of the static content, and
> getting tomcat to deal with only servlets and jsps.
> I notice in all of the documentation I find for mod_jk, an entire
> directory (/examples/* being everyone's favourite) is mapped to Tomcat,
> so that even requests for images are passed back to tomcat, rather than
> being taken care of Apache directly.

I haven't looked at the docs for a while, perhaps they overemphasize
that and don't spend enough time discussing how to let apache server
static content.

I run a number of Apache/Tomcat production systems where Apache serves
all the static content and only requests for dynamic content (servlets/jsp)
are passed to Tomcat using mod_jk.



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