Mads Toftum wrote:

Why is it so important to kill off mod_rewrite that this comes up from time
to time? Just take a look at the cvs history if you think mod_rewrite is
unmaintained - Andre has been doing a great job on it and there's a fairly
large userbase too.
If you really wan't to take the hatchet to httpd's source tree, then maybe
you should start with dead/unused mpms and perhaps mod_cache which has never
really made it to completion.

"Don't kill module A, kill module B instead". I suggest we don't kill anything which has evidence of being useful.

And if something is "broken", "wrong", "bad code", "incomplete", then submit some patches to fix the problem! This is why we have peer review, so that different eyeballs get a perspective on possible flaws in the code.

Deprecating code without supplying a suitable replacements in our new code leaves users with just one choice which they will freely follow: Use the old code.


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