André Malo wrote:

Where's the user base of mod_imap (installed by default) or mod_cern_meta or
the old outdated NCSA config directives? We add and add and add code -- which
is not actually bad. But where's the man with the broom?

The issue of unmaintained code is an important issue, but not one which should stop us considering new code. Whether mod_rewrite is maintained or not has nothing to do with a potential proxy_ajp, a module which by virtue of the volume of the discussion on it is certainly not going to have any maintenance issues any time soon. :)

But at the end of the day guys with brooms are not what is important, it is the end users, whether there are any, and whether they're satisfied. If the code works and the users are happy, there is no need for a broom.

Just to make sure, I'm not finally against adding a new module. But IMHO the
much better way should be to improve the integration of TP modules rather than
to put all of them in the core distribution.

Thing is it's easier for end users to not have to mess around with third party builds if it can possibly be avoided, and it's the needs of the end users who are the most important, not the developers.

The fact that the current module has to be built separately is a huge issue for the users of the module, making such a module a built in addition to proxy will make people's lives easier.


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