Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

Sounds a like job for someone. How about nominating modules for removal in 2.1, or at the very least split them off to an 'unmaintained' distribution? We can leave them there, but boot them out of our 'core' distribution. 2.0 saw the introduction of mod_dav and mod_ssl - two fairly large modules, but no real reductions elsewhere.

Reduction for reduction's sake doesn't achieve anything on it's own.

My #1 vote is to throw mod_rewrite clear off the island.

Whether something gets booted off the island should be based on lack of users, not an apparent lack of maintenance.

A lack of maintenance could be caused by a number of things: the code works, and if it's not broken it doesn't need to be fixed (aka maintained); or the errors that do exist in the code are not major enough to inspire anybody to step forward and fix them.

If a module is to be deprecated, then a sensible alternative needs to be provided. Just chopping out modules for the sake of chopping just leaves annoyed users, and this: people saying "we're sticking with Apache v1.3, because v2.0 can't do XXX".


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