--On Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:12 PM +0200 Mads Toftum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 03:18:47AM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
My #1 vote is to throw mod_rewrite clear off the island. =) -- justin

Why is it so important to kill off mod_rewrite that this comes up from time to time? Just take a look at the cvs history if you think mod_rewrite is

To be clear, my comment above was only tongue-in-cheek. I know people actually use mod_rewrite and didn't mean it seriously. nd's done a great job of channeling the spirit of RSE to get mod_rewrite usable again.

However, there may be definitely real modules that we should consider retiring to an 'extra' distribution.

If you really wan't to take the hatchet to httpd's source tree, then maybe
you should start with dead/unused mpms and perhaps mod_cache which has never
really made it to completion.

Ideally, we should target those modules that have equivalent functionality offered elsewhere. One pre-req for separating out MPMs is that we need to make them DSO-able... *shrug* -- justin

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