On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 08:25:42PM +0200, Graham Leggett wrote:
> "Don't kill module A, kill module B instead". I suggest we don't kill 
> anything which has evidence of being useful.
Agreed - I just felt a bit provoked by mod_rewrite always being the target
(and hadn't seen justins patch to mod_cache yet).

> And if something is "broken", "wrong", "bad code", "incomplete", then 
> submit some patches to fix the problem! This is why we have peer review, 
> so that different eyeballs get a perspective on possible flaws in the code.
Take perchild for instance - noone has worked on that since rbb left, but
we still get people complaining because they expect it to work (regardless
of the big flashing warning sign)

> Deprecating code without supplying a suitable replacements in our new 
> code leaves users with just one choice which they will freely follow: 
> Use the old code.
Check back in the archives for the discussion of why to get rid of mod_imap
and mod_asis (or at least leaving them off by default). Though in principle
I agree that crippling the server in a delayed "spring cleaning" frenzy
isn't a great idea at all - I just tried to come up with a couple of alternatives
if there really has to be trimming. I'd just rather not lose mod_rewrite in the
same way as the debugging log level of mod_ssl disappeared,


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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