* Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[replying to multiple posts]

> André Malo wrote:
> >>Having proxy_ajp included in httpd v2.0 would be a good thing - there is 
> >>a base of users for it (with it's more advanced handling of things like 
> >>indicating secure connections, etc it's useful).
> > Hmm. I'd include rather in tomcat distribution than httpd-2.0. That seems
> > to be way more logical.
> Tomcat is a Java package, proxy_ajp would be C code that integrates with 
> httpd. I would rather see such a module in httpd rather than have to 
> jump through hoops trying to get it to work as a separate module, as is 
> the case now, as it would be significantly more practical.

Sure, I see the point. But please remember all the modules that are in the
core distribution which had/have no active maintainer and which nobody
understands anymore. Look at, say, mod_rewrite, it was just plain
broken over 10 httpd versions or so. It's even not fully documented
yet (and was written 1996 ...). Did anyone count all the '###', 'XXX' and
'TODO' marks in the code, we already maintain? Oh, and there's also bugzilla:


892 bugs found at time of this writing (hope the link won't break).

Where's the user base of mod_imap (installed by default) or mod_cern_meta or
the old outdated NCSA config directives? We add and add and add code -- which
is not actually bad. But where's the man with the broom?

Just to make sure, I'm not finally against adding a new module. But IMHO the
much better way should be to improve the integration of TP modules rather than
to put all of them in the core distribution.

Yes, I know, I'm one of the guys who could help to change those things, if
there'd be more time (see the problem we *already* have?).

n "just my 0.02 EUR" d

P.S.: please don't take my words as harsh as they may sound, my English is
just ... technical ;-)
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                                          -- aus einer Rezension


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