As Neil says
The question is whether it is worth it?
And Scott
An informed decision needs to be based on these details.  Holding back for
JDK 8 compatibility helps no one if there isn't actually any real demand to
do so.
AFAICT, there's no stats on JDK version and NBP projects. Maybe the closest is general
JDK  usage, I don't know how well they relate, but it's the best we've got.

Last year, there were reports that JDK-8/JDK-11 were neck and neck at somewhat under
50 percent, with JDK-11 and JDK-17 picking up steam.

So where's JDK-8 this year? An estimate might be 33%. If one third of users are on JDK-8, is that a real demand? Definitely JDK-8 usage is going down, how steeply?
(Plenty of hand waving, but worth trying to base the discussion on fact.)

One question, what is the point below which there's no real demand and it's
not worth it?


On 23/02/12 2:22 PM, Neil C Smith wrote:
On Sun, 12 Feb 2023, 19:11 Matthias Bläsing,
<> wrote:


Am Freitag, dem 10.02.2023 um 10:12 +0000 schrieb Neil C Smith:
On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 at 19:02, Matthias Bläsing 
- commit to make NetBeans runnable on JDK LTS -1
- build with JDK LTS -1
- be able to be build with the current JDK
+1 as long as that includes the platform.

That is what I suggested in the other thread (I don't see why we need
multiple threads incidentally!)

An LTS-1 strategy seems closest to how NetBeans used to function -
major-1, in a time when it also had more development resources?

Let's also be clear, though, that adopting an LTS-1 strategy means
dropping JDK 11 support either in our first release after JDK 21, or
the first after JDK 22 - so latest May 2024.
why would we do that? I said _runnable_ and _buildable_. As long as the
current JDK support the target release I did not exclude that.

In which case I don't understand what you mean by committing to make
NetBeans buildable and runnable on LTS-1? That to me means dropping the
commitment to JDK 11 when it becomes LTS-2.

- keep as many modules as feasible compatible with release 8
-1 : A number of things have come up recently about preparing for JDK
21+ that would involve increasing the bytecode level and APIs in some
core parts of the NetBeans runtime container.
Could you elaborate what that is? Not using Thread#stop and dropping
finalizers is it not. That can be done (with some pain) with support
for 8. So what is the problem?

Yes, those and I think some others. My paragraph after the one you quoted
was acknowledging we can do this for 8 with some pain (headache). The
question is whether it is worth it?

Best wishes,


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