Hi Sophie,

        Thanks for your mail; I agree - this particular dead-end of the thread
got a little unpleasant & highly charged; I'm well up for killing it.

On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 20:42 +0100, sophie wrote:
> We are now thinking about SCA, an adapted one to our community, so no
> need to quarrel about what is already behind.

        Is there a link to a copy of that somewhere ? (or is the thinking going
on on a public mailing list ?).

> If you really have this energy to argue, please come and discuss how we 
> can reenforce our workflow, our communication flow, our visibility and 
> add more power to our community.

        I think I'm missing something here. Is there a public statement
anywhere that means discussing the unbalanced ownership problems, that
(clearly) substantilly impeed Novell's involvement (and that of other
developers) is fruitless ?

        Are you aware of any such statement, or indication from Sun, that says
this problem is un-solvable; whatever the community wants ?

        Of course, such a statement might shut down such discussion pretty
quickly, but I havn't seen any clear public statement of that form.
Indeed, I've not seen many clear, black & white statements about the
compromises necessary to accomodate our major sponsor's business
interest (which is of course necessary to some degree) inside the
project; and what plans there are for the future here.

>  But confidence is a key word in all these discussions to make them
> come to real facts. So please, really, stop this fight, and allow us
> to think at something that is reflecting our common love for OOo.

        So - I think we were getting there - we'd finally got past some of the
more basic, emotive, low-level arguments, and were starting to
communicate; at least mba & I seemed happy:


        clearly no-one wants to shut down a whole discussion on a topic like
this, (and without a conclusion) on the basis of a few sub-threads
unfortunately disappearing off into the long grass.

        I've renamed my reply to remove the odious Butler :-) would be a good
move; perhaps as/when we continue other discussions to do the same.



 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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