On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 01:52, Tracy R Reed wrote:
> The developers need to decide whether freenet is ready for general use or
> not.  They have led a lot of people to have some expectation of usefulness
> despite the fact that it is clearly alpha software yet they have a release
> called "stable". I suspect part of the problem is major bugs in
> implementation compounded by lack of testing and scientific method in
> diagnosing bugs (ie. running NGR and older stuff). But others disagree. :)

I personally agree with your description of the problem, although there
isn't a darned thing I can do about it. Fred has become essentially
unusable here - the only things I'm able to fetch are things that were
stored local to my node MONTHS AGO. This is pathetic. I have a broadband
connection with a 36GB store allocated to freenet, only ~2GB is actually
being used however. What I find completely astonishing about this though
is that with my outbound limited to 10KB/S I'm almost getting as many
hits locally as servers 'globally' - That just sounds *wrong* to me, or
freenet really is so badly off now that my node is doing better than it
should be.

I am using build 6220. Fproxy bookmarks page has NO LINKS other than
ones local in the store working. Zero dbr links!

Just for the record, this is the jvm from my environment page. I was
told by people to use this version as the newest jvm has serious bugs.
If this has changed, and explains my PERVERSE problems, please tell me.

JVM Vendor
               Sun Microsystems Inc.
JVM Name
          Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
JVM Version

Frost, which was working a couple of days ago on an earlier version of
freenet isn't even able to function AT ALL now. It's finding NO posts,
at all. It's unable to INSERT my posts, either. I did not upgrade frost,
only freenet. So, it's freenet not working.

>From network load:
Global mean traffic (queries per hour):12522.75
Local mean traffic (queries per hour): 10290.3510404307667

See what I mean?! What's UP with this?! My node is limited to 10KB/S
outbound bandwidth - is the network seriously this starved for
information that mine is actually providing the majority of bandwidth in
my area?!

Things have been getting progressively worse as time has gone on. I
mean, seriously - things are WORSE for me now than when I initially
JOINED with 0.5.0. Anyone else remember the amusing (if you weren't
trying to deal with it) screwups?

Seriously, if I was a developer I'd neuter the current development tree
and go back to a known working version, even if it was slower, even if
it had problems - because right now things are GENEROUSLY fucked, and
NOTHING is working right. And before you go off telling me to use
stable, I tried using stable. The reason why I WENT to unstable is that
stable is just about as usable as unstable right now, and has been for
months. WHY is it things are allowed to PERSIST like this? If you know
something in the development tree is having problems, why on EARTH do
you stuff it into the stable tree as you obviously have? Stable trees
should be old things that don't get touched often - because you want
them to NOT be used for experimentation. Development trees are for that.
Please, for the LOVE OF GOD, stop putting partially tested things into
the stable tree.

I'm going to give freenet one more month to improve. If I don't see
improvement AT LEAST to the level that *some* dbr pages start showing up
in my fproxy bookmarks again, preferably to the level that 0.5.0
'functioned' - I'm giving up, deleting my store and I'll find some other
anonymizing system. THAT ACTUALLY WORKS.

Yeah, I'm angry. If you want to ban me from the email list, do so. I
don't care. I'm tired of this - people just point fingers everywhere
when I ask what the reasons are for the problems persisting. (not
EXISTING, PERSISTING. They aren't being fixed.)

Thank you,

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