On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 03:03:21AM -0400, Tim McGrath wrote:
> I am using build 6220. Fproxy bookmarks page has NO LINKS other than
> ones local in the store working. Zero dbr links!

Some disruptive code got merged around 6217. Please bear with us as we
remove the remaining bugs - or go back to stable if you don't like it,
it used to work, remember? :)
> Just for the record, this is the jvm from my environment page. I was
> told by people to use this version as the newest jvm has serious bugs.
> If this has changed, and explains my PERVERSE problems, please tell me.
> JVM Vendor
>                Sun Microsystems Inc.
> JVM Name
>           Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
> JVM Version
>                         1.4.1_04-b01
> Frost, which was working a couple of days ago on an earlier version of
> freenet isn't even able to function AT ALL now. It's finding NO posts,
> at all. It's unable to INSERT my posts, either. I did not upgrade frost,
> only freenet. So, it's freenet not working.
> >From network load:
> Global mean traffic (queries per hour):12522.75
> Local mean traffic (queries per hour): 10290.3510404307667
> See what I mean?! What's UP with this?! My node is limited to 10KB/S
> outbound bandwidth - is the network seriously this starved for
> information that mine is actually providing the majority of bandwidth in
> my area?!
> Things have been getting progressively worse as time has gone on. I
> mean, seriously - things are WORSE for me now than when I initially
> JOINED with 0.5.0. Anyone else remember the amusing (if you weren't
> trying to deal with it) screwups?
> Seriously, if I was a developer I'd neuter the current development tree
> and go back to a known working version, even if it was slower, even if
> it had problems - because right now things are GENEROUSLY fucked, and
> NOTHING is working right. And before you go off telling me to use
> stable, I tried using stable. The reason why I WENT to unstable is that
> stable is just about as usable as unstable right now, and has been for
> months. WHY is it things are allowed to PERSIST like this? If you know

So if we backoff, it won't make any difference?

> something in the development tree is having problems, why on EARTH do
> you stuff it into the stable tree as you obviously have? Stable trees

We have? There's tons of stuff in unstable that hasn't gone to stable -
NGRouting, lots of NIO, lots of bugfixes, loads of stuff.

> should be old things that don't get touched often - because you want
> them to NOT be used for experimentation. Development trees are for that.
> Please, for the LOVE OF GOD, stop putting partially tested things into
> the stable tree.

When did we last put ANYTHING into the stable tree? Something like 2
months ago! We've been trying to get the unstable NGR code into a usable
state so that we CAN merge it to stable in good conscience.
> I'm going to give freenet one more month to improve. If I don't see
> improvement AT LEAST to the level that *some* dbr pages start showing up
> in my fproxy bookmarks again, preferably to the level that 0.5.0
> 'functioned' - I'm giving up, deleting my store and I'll find some other
> anonymizing system. THAT ACTUALLY WORKS.

I have CofE and YoYo, the first time I tried today - well, I have the
> Yeah, I'm angry. If you want to ban me from the email list, do so. I
> don't care. I'm tired of this - people just point fingers everywhere
> when I ask what the reasons are for the problems persisting. (not
> EXISTING, PERSISTING. They aren't being fixed.)
> </RANT>

My income comes from donations from the users. Therefore I care about
the users. Banning them from the list is not conducive to this goal.
> Thank you,
> Good NIGHT.

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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