Am Mittwoch, 7. März 2012, 22:14:39 schrieb Thomas Sachau:
> So what is the experience of new users? Install freenet, see automaticly
> shipped wot+freetalk, try them, see their issues, maybe browse some
> sites and uninstall freenet again, since things either do rarely work or
> there is no content.

I think it goes even deeper: The installer fails for many.
Also Freetalk is not integrated with the other parts of freenet. There should
be attachment options, where the post is only sent once the file finished
uploading. And lots of other “small” stuff on the UI side.

Essentially polish.

I think being really polished and getting rid of all the small rough edges
would be a much stronger usability boost than using new tech. (except if that
new tech does not add more rough corners and makes is much easier to fix
existing problems)

Best wishes,
1w6 sie zu achten,
sie alle zu finden,
in Spiele zu leiten
und sacht zu verbinden.

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