Am Freitag, 9. März 2012, 21:52:22 schrieb Steve Dougherty:
> Should we get rid of more of the steps in the first-run setup?

I think yes - if people choose the default installation, they should not be
forced to take additional decisions.

Maybe it would even be possible to just show a pane “Basic Config” which shows
preselected configuration values, each with an edit-button (“change”).

(I use [button] for buttons with the text “button”)

### Basic Config ###

Please check the default configuration. Change values which don’t fit:

* Encrypted Datastore Size: 2 GiB [change]
* Assigned Bandwidth: 10 KiB/s (26 GiB per month) [change]
* …

[Finish and connect now]

(4 values, one for each pane of the current wizard)

> I2P works very nicely with
> something that would work without Javascript, but works much better
> with: it shows for a given speed setting how much it will likely use per
> month. That a way better way to deal with monthly bandwidth limits than
> asking directly.

I would like that.

Best wishes,

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