On Friday 09 Mar 2012 23:02:49 Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 7. März 2012, 22:14:39 schrieb Thomas Sachau:
> > So what is the experience of new users? Install freenet, see automaticly
> > shipped wot+freetalk, try them, see their issues, maybe browse some
> > sites and uninstall freenet again, since things either do rarely work or
> > there is no content.
> I think it goes even deeper: The installer fails for many. 

Does it still? If so we need to determine why.

> Also Freetalk is not integrated with the other parts of freenet. There should 
> be attachment options, where the post is only sent once the file finished 
> uploading. And lots of other “small” stuff on the UI side.

Agreed, as does p0s, but first it has to WORK.

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