On 20.09.2015 21:29, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 09/20/2015 03:34 AM, mray wrote:
>> On 19.09.2015 21:10, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>>> @"we":
>>>> "we" might be less inclusive than "together", but my point was that it
>>>> addresses the human factor at all. (unlike "funding free culture").
>>>> "we" is almost as important as the financial and freedom parts of us.
>>>> "together" overreaches in that aspect in my opinion.
>>>> Let's face it: We are a closed club! We ask people to get on board, open
>>>> up an account and trust their money with us. Our whole point is to
>>>> persuade people to join the in-group. Not drawing a line makes that hard.
>>>> "we" is also short.
>>> Although subtle, the ".coop" part of the name already includes the
>>> community aspect. Aesthetically, I like "funding" better than "we fund",
>>> and the "ing" part emphasizes the ongoing aspect of things. I don't feel
>>> strongly here though.
>> The reason I value the "we" so strongly is because we need to make clear
>> that snowdrift is something to be part of. "funding" alone makes it
>> remain unclear how the funding is done, but this is the *VERY* essence
>> of our cause, it is "WE" who are funding this. not some snowdrift entity.
>> along with "we fund" any appeal like "join us" makes so much more sense,
>> it just fits way better.
>> aesthetically i don't care about either form that much.
>> "We fund" is more dynamic than "funding" I think, though.
> I'm not sure about the dynamicness of "we fund" over "funding". I really
> like the "ing", however, I agree about the collective / join us issue.
> I wish it wasn't as long, but the feeling of togetherness is better
> spelled out. Ignoring length, "Working together to fund the digital
> commons" is the best way to completely get all the meaning. Another
> would be "collective funding of the digital commons" or "social funding
> for the digital commons" or "coming together to fund the digital
> commons" or, how about: "join us in funding the digital commons!" or
> shorter version of that, "fund the digital commons with us!" or, I like
> this best of my little brainstorm here: "help us fund the digital
> commons!" variations of that: "help fund the digital commons" or "let's
> fund the digital commons" …
> I'm not opposed to "we" entirely, but I would like to get feedback from
> others and see what others think of variations like I just posted.

I don't like recruiting in the slogan. "join us...", "help us..." is a
bit like begging right from the start.
The slogan should not be about what we want people to do, but about what
we do.

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