On 09/21/2015 10:41 AM, mray wrote:
> On 21.09.2015 05:02, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>> My vote now:  ***Help Free the Commons***
> Staring with "help" sounds desperate.
> It also is very vague. Help in what way?
> Helping to free something also sounds like it isn't free, but you set it
> free. We are not doing this. We try to make people create things that
> will be free right from the start.

We *are* planning later to offer to projects that are proprietary that
they can work with us to get FLO and will be allowed as soon as they are
FLO. We are *absolutely* about freeing things that aren't free, but
abstractly: as in "free the technology, free the music, free the
science, free the journalism" and we're doing that by helping projects
that are already free, hoping to move more of our resources away from
the non-free things, and entice more projects to be free. We're are
*not* saying "oh, incidentally, if you make something FLO, we'd like to
help fund you." We are being bold and saying "you *should* make things
FLO, and the reason we want to fund FLO things is so that we have FLO
phones and FLO culture etc, and you *should* free your project, and
we'll actively advocate for that and help you and provide a way to
support your project once freed."

> One can also interpret the slogan in different ways like:
> "Help us to free the commons."
> "We are the help that frees the commons."

Both of those interpretations are fine. But I think we also are missing
some thread given delays in this email list. I proposed just "free the
commons" without the "help" see my other reply.

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