On 21.09.2015 22:09, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> We *are* planning later to offer to projects that are proprietary that
> they can work with us to get FLO and will be allowed as soon as they are
> FLO. We are *absolutely* about freeing things that aren't free, but
> abstractly: as in "free the technology, free the music, free the
> science, free the journalism" and we're doing that by helping projects
> that are already free, hoping to move more of our resources away from
> the non-free things, and entice more projects to be free. We're are
> *not* saying "oh, incidentally, if you make something FLO, we'd like to
> help fund you." We are being bold and saying "you *should* make things
> FLO, and the reason we want to fund FLO things is so that we have FLO
> phones and FLO culture etc, and you *should* free your project, and
> we'll actively advocate for that and help you and provide a way to
> support your project once freed."

The point is: that is not our main goal at all.
We certainly don't refrain from converting people! We also do not in any
way depend on having non-free stuff that we can grab and set free.

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