morlenxus wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 04:01:11AM -0400, Jose Gonzalez wrote:
>>    Vincent wrote:
>>> On Sun, 20 Jul 2008, Jose Gonzalez wrote:
>>>>      This is actually damn nice. It's a great example of having e 
>>>> become more
>>>> "web-connected", and could yet become something bigger and better. I 
>>>> suppose
>>>> get-e could've done something similar, and perhaps it could or maybe 
>>>> integrate
>>>> better with this 'exchange', or whatnot... but this is definitely a 
>>>> much more
>>>> refined idea, and with something like live notifications of 
>>>> apps/libs/themes/
>>>> whatnot... changes, or updates, or new stuff, or who-knows-what plus 
>>>> an app(s)
>>>> to make it easy to do whatever-the-who-knows-what, it'd be very nice. :)
>>> in that case, we have 2 sites that gives both the same informations (a 
>>> list of themes, modules). I even know another site that lists the 
>>> themes, modules, applications :
>>> That is a lot, imho. Maybe you should discuss what to do in order to 
>>> have less web sites that do almost the same thing.
>>       I agree that discussion on this important aspect of "e-and-the-web" 
>> would
>> be excellent, and it's something I tried to mention several times. But what's
>> better about this particular exchange thing is the potential for it to evolve
>> into something far more than the current set of 'themes' sites like get-e or 
>> e17-stuff.
>>       Those haven't done a thing as far inovation or advancing the bleeding 
>> edge
>> of "e and the web", they're just mainly repositories. One needs to be far 
>> more
>> creative and bring the web to e in a real-time way that's easy to deal with 
>> for
>> users, developers, designers,...
>>       It's not about having a mere 'information' repo, it's got to be about 
>> connecting 
>> whatever "e" is, to the net in a better way... and that means having some 
>> kind of
>> *api* to enable devs/themers/users to make their 
>> apps/libs/themes/who-knows-what
>> be net-aware, net-enabled, net-connected, net-hell-if-I-know.
>>       Get-e could've done it, but it didn't.. it never really tried. 
>> Exchange did,
>> at least a good start.. Work together and take it from there. :)
> has had applications and module code some time ago, i removed
> that section because the submitters didn't update the code and so it got
> outdated soon. Also was totally different to exchange, it was
> keeping an eye at original themes, so it was completly maintained.
> Exchange allows the users to submit whatever they want, that will lead
> into copyright issues and e17-stuff alike ugly themes.
> So there was a reason why we never did the exchange/e17-stuff way.
> Also there was an api for downloading files automatically, you might
> want to check the theme or background dialog...
> I don't think wasn't inovative, but now we had an evolution
> and there we have a new better site: exchange
> Greets
      I don't think it's an issue of better sites in the sense of which has 
maintainability, or which has better access restrictions, or better looks, or 
themes, or lists more apps .... that's just not my point here.

      There are many, many ways one could think of to improve the state of 
as far as "e and the web" goes, form the hard - like an e-webkit or e-mozilla, 
a browser plugin and evolution of edje and the toolkits that would allow for 
to be like Flex&Flash (ie. e based web-content and "rich internet apps"), to the
simple like an e17-module that can download wallpapers. But there are also a lot
of things in-between these, and up and down, and all sorts of combinations (some
possibly requiring the harder stuff).
      Just to give you a simple one, imagine you have your favorite e image 
desktop app, and it's really cool-looking, and can search for images in your 
and whatnot.. But, if it were easy to make this app "web-enabled", you could 
it do much, much more. You could have it notify you of updates to the app 
of new themes from selected sites, of new plugins (assuming it has such things),
and it could keep a list of fav sites related to wallpapers, images, etc. and
allow you to view such images on those sites, download if possible, share with
selected people, ..........

      There's a ton of stuff that app could do if it were easy for it to be
"web-enabled", both content wise with general and/or selected sites or contacts,
and for the app itself (updates, plugins, themes, docs, tutorials, ...).
      Most any app, with good supporting sites, could become much, much richer.
But there need to be mechanisms to make it easy for developers to add such
functionality and for sites to cooperate with.

      If exchange allows for even a *start* on making this kind of thing 
then that would be better - it really doesn't matter what the site.

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