
On Sun, 2011-11-13 at 19:21, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 10:11:28 +0100 Jonathan Armani <d...@asystant.net> said:
> > My last mail because I'm *amazed* about what this thread became.
> it's become a witch hunt on me. mostly by kakaroto.

Hmm, maybe I should have avoided this term. We should stop using it
now as it does not make the situation any easier.

> > No they have not, stop saying that please and go look at the OpenBSD tree.
> well the patches were there in your pkging tree for bsd... you mean to say you
> don't apply the patches when you make packages? seriously - i would like to
> know. i know the packaging processes for deb and redhat - and patches in the
> pkging "tree" are there because they are applied. unless openbsd has some 
> other
> policy that means you have patches and only selectively apply some?

Maybe a experimental tree not used for the final packaging. Having
different tree for different developers is not uncommon.

> > I'm disapointed. All we did was working in the dark we some people,
> > now you came and did only show the bad
> > stuff to the light (NO EVEN FROM ME), and I simply did not accept that
> > and all the wrong things said here.
> look - i don't want to offend you - or other devs, but i struggle to see what 
> i
> did wrong - i was asked to look at the patches by vincent. i did that. the 
> fact
> that my comments were public in #e.fr seems to bother you a lot. maybe you and
> vincent need to have a secret patch place which no one will ever show to the
> public or ask for review until its ready - but i reviewed as asked by vincent.

Lets try with some friendly education here. :)

The last part of this does really not help to de-escalate this
situation. Yeah, you get attacked here by others but if every side
keeps making snide remarks it does not help at all.

Stefan Schmidt

PS Sorry for the long delays between the mails. I'm at the birthday
party of my mother right now and its hard to find the time to read and
think through answers of these mails.

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