My last mail because I'm *amazed* about what this thread became.

I never said I was insulted by Raster, I said I'm bored because I got
comment on code I did not even write /
asked for a review, I was pissed because there was a lot of work
already done and the mail raster wrote
here was absolutly not representative of it.

Please read my first mail again, I will not talk out of my ass, I
didn't even know Raster personally, the problem
here was mainly the tone.

There were a lot a background work, now you are only taking some
experimantal patches and keep saying

> armani has a very
> thin skin and simply got pissed off at someone saying the patches (which many
> he didn't even write, but he took offence anyway) were bad.

Did I said I was insulted in my previous mail ? on IRC ? Did your read
what I said ?

> the breaking of api. that means current openbsd packages have
> broken api's.

No they have not, stop saying that please and go look at the OpenBSD tree.

> that's what armani, and kakaroto are saying i did. i DIDNT.; read the logs. 
> i'm
> not apologizing for what i didn't do.

Where did I say that ?

I'm disapointed. All we did was working in the dark we some people,
now you came and did only show the bad
stuff to the light (NO EVEN FROM ME), and I simply did not accept that
and all the wrong things said here.

That only engage me.

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 5:47 AM, Carsten Haitzler <> wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 02:26:00 +0100 Stefan Schmidt <>
> said:
>> Hello.
>> I have not joined any of these flame wares before as I don't think to
>> change anything significant but only start to hurt peoples feelings
>> for each other. But I had to join here as it started to look like a
>> witch hunt on raster here. Please take a moment when reading this.
>> Thanks for your time.
>> On Sat, 2011-11-12 at 13:43, Youness Alaoui wrote:
>> >
>> > you don't seem to read what I wrote, you ignore the facts.. the facts are
>> > not the commits or how bad they were, the facts were your attitude and
>> > condescending bullshit. but yeah,you don't seem to be able to acknowledge
>> > that, since you're perfect and everyone else is wrong.
>> Great, personal insults are getting us really forward here. This is
>> one of the social skills you are calling here for. Discussing with
>> others without getting into personal insults. Given this mail and the
>> long rant where you "behaved like a dick" (citation from you) are
>> letting me wonder if you are able to call others for things you do not
>> handle very well on your own. Something to thing about.
>> > Thank you Vincent and Gustavo for sharing your concerns about this, and
>> > it's too sad that the new contributor has become another victim of raster's
>> > poor social skills. That's what I wanted to avoid, that's what I wanted
>> > raster to understand, and I was hoping for him to reply with something like
>> > "sorry if I offended you, that wasn't my purpose" and that's it, the guy
>> > stays with us, but I guess raster has too much pride and is too
>> > self-centered to recognize his own faults.
>> And you wanted that to happen by forcing him into a corner?
>> That is almost always the best recipe to get the opposite of what you
>> wanted. Forcing people trigger over reactions from them. Self
>> protection, naturally for humans. Changing the behaviour of people is
>> a long and exhausting  process. Nothing you can do by sending of
>> several mails. And before people even accept what they here from
>> others they need to respect them. Respect them for their doings and
>> ideas they have come up with over time. Again nothing you can achieve
>> in some weeks.
>> > I think I will follow Vincent's advice and not reply to this thread
>> > anymore, raster clearly showed he has no comprehension of what people are
>> > trying to tell him here, so this is just an endless drama with no possible
>> > resolution.
>> Black and white thinking all around. Sadly we live in a grey world.
>> Nothing is only black or only white. Lets have a look at what problems
>> we have here and what possible solutions we can come up with. (That
>> what we should aim for in the end, a solution bringing the project
>> forward).
>> Raster is stressed out. Short on time and running at the edge of what
>> is possible for him all the time. Thats a fact and on of the biggest
>> problems here. Stress calls out on people making hard decisions and
>> one of this is being brusque to others. I have observed this a lot at
>> myself when being in stressful times. Family and friends had the
>> pleasure to get me in such a mood. And even after I recognized this
>> at myself (the first step, you know), it is very hard to change at
>> all. Again, behaviour changes are the hardest.
>> The work part of raster stress we can't influence much. He has to
>> handle this on its own. And I personally hope that he realizes how
>> near he comes a actual burnout if he keeps going like this for more
>> months.
>> But now to the things we can change. You and Gustavo are trying to
>> change this project in a direction that should be more welcoming for
>> developers and users. Making the community grow. I welcome this move,
>> but doing something like this can not happen by bringing everything
>> down that happened so far. Raster brought this all to the point what
>> we have today. Motivating people on the road and de-motivating people
>> on the road. Again, very natural as we don't live in flower-power
>> land. :)
>> So to change to bring in change to this community you need to earn the
>> respect of the other developers here before steering the way forward.
>> Bluntly speaking nobody wants to accept orders from people he does not
>> respect or being paid by. And even the last part may be very hard
>> sometimes. ;)
>> For the matters at hand the following could be done:
>> o Tarballs: Everyone seem to speak about daily tarballs. What I read
>>   from the openbsd guys have not been daily tarballs but tarballs for
>>   an alpha or rc to check if everything is fine beofre the actual
>>   release. Such tarballs are fine and have already been acknowledged
>>   and done before. They will even get some QA. And QA is something
>>   that differs from daily tarballs, like your script or a simple make
>>   disctheck, will produce. SOLUTION: Wait for the alpha and rc
>>   tarballs.
> yup. exactly my point. :)
>> o OpenBSD patches: Vincent asked raster to have a look at the patches.
>>   He did look and pointed out what was wrong. Agreed, a bit to blunt
> thanks stefan! yes. i am blunt. i don't sugarcoat things and tiptoe. but i
> wasn't rude. and i'm not apologizing for being blunt and factual as now the
> witch-hunt-crew are thinking i must.
>>   maybe. He did mention better options though. Something that people
>>   like to ignore in this thread. (BSD specific malloc changes in
>>   mempool instead on every file using it, not changing API/ABI without
>>   discussing it here). SOLUTION: To calm this down you or Vincent or
>>   someone else can keep working with them to gte the changes in. That
>>   involves understanding why so much changes are needed and bringing
>>   it up here to discuss about a solution. Uninteresting work like
> yup. which is why on the email list i was saying i hadn't seen any patches -
> but am open to them. on irc vincent asked me to look at them.
>>   reviewing patches from the ml and putting them into svn. But it
>>   helps to balance the load. Raster is nobody  who calls others for
>>   doing things for him. He waits until he comes to it and does them
>>   alone. To me that looks like he lost his faith in this because it
>>   did not work out well in many cases. Sure, that is something he
>>   needs to improve. That is nothing that stops others from stepping up
>>   and doing it without being asked for though. Mike, Vincent, Cedric
>>   and others are reviewing patches here on the ml. That takes of load
>>   from raster. He did not ask them to do it.
>>   For your tarball script you could do the same. Why must it happen on
>>   the main machine? You can host them yourself and when they are
>>   really becoming popular they can get moved. Not enough capabilities
>>   for hosting? I bet or others can help out there.
> sure - any of us can run the script - still have to upload to, make dir,
> do announce etc. - well announce could be skipped but in the past thats what 
> we
> have done. but if u don't at least to make distcheck and you don't run and 
> test
> and check to see that what u just tarred up works, then the quality is no
> better than an svn checkout - which is what we have now already. and yes - i'm
> stressed and busy and i'll instantly push back on anything that looks like
> "some more work" unless i see a gain proportional to the work involved, or
> greater. :)
>> Phew, long mail. To long actually. The main point here is that it does
>> not help to forcing raster into a corner here. He is the main driver
>> of the project and if people like to expand it need to be done in a
>> way that do not offend the people that are already working on it.
>> People earn respect and faith of others in their work by actual
>> doings. There must not be a leader who is always right and delegates
>> work into his hierarchy of minions. You have a pet peeve topic? You
>> want to improve it? Don't ask for permission, do it and improve the
>> situation gradually.
> thanks stefan. you actually read the content at hand. something others are not
> doing. yes - i could be less blunt. if armani, vincent, kakaroto, gustavo
> simply said "you're a bit too blunt" i'd agree - i am blunt. if me being blunt
> offends someone - then i'm not going today sorry and pretend i've been rude.
> all over the world someone will get offended at almost anything you say. if
> people read the actual log it'll be clear - i'm blunt - but not rude. well not
> rude until someone decides to actually directly attack me. i will generally
> respond in-kind.
> let's look at the core - this started with 2 things:
> 1. me saying no to daily tarballs as they were no better than a randokm svn
> checkout
> 2. me giving a review on patches with questions (then answered) and pointers 
> as
> to how to do it better. the review was blunt.
> now let's discuss offence / feeling bad / de-motivation when patches are
> reviewed badly. maybe that's the point? maybe , if the code in question is
> bad, you SHOULD feel bad. it's a lesson to learn that hopefully ensures you
> don't make that same mistake again. i've made my own mistakes and feel bad 
> even
> about code that's in EFL now - but i don't go get de-motivated. i've had 
> others
> review my code before and been made to "feel bad". i've learned from it. the
> reason why reviews are blunt and tough is... that that patch will become
> maintenance baggage for those who follow you long after you've gone. it will
> eventually create work if it creates problems. breaking efl api's in itself is
> very bad for packagers to do - and yes - i'm very annoyed at that being done.
> we can't stop it - that's the nature of open source, but it's inconsiderate to
> go doing that as we end up with the support burden as a result of the api
> breaking. yes - i'm not going to smile and be all love and roses when i see
> that kind of thing put in front of me. but i was not rude or condescending - i
> stayed factual other than my "that's bad. really bad" level
> comments. :|
> --
> ------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
> The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)
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