Larry Marshall wrote:
> > LM7.2. But, I think my point is still valid for a lot of people's
> > upgrades.
> No doubt about it Victor, I maintain a box for playing.  My comments
> were related to the difficulties of getting version 7+ of ANY
> operating system to do basic things without having to relearn the
> entire operating system, read volumes on a dozen websites and hope and
> pray that you can fix things with a bunch of patches.  The Linux world
> has bad-mouthed Microsoft for releasing buggy programs and that's
> certainly justified.  BUT, Microsoft has always come along quickly
> with updates and something like W'98 was followed quickly with minor
> revision releases.  Where's the "minor revision release" from ANY of
> the LINUX distro people?  It's not even in their vocabulary.  There
> are all sorts of things that could be stabilized in 7.2 and updated
> isos made available.  I dare say that the folks at Mandrake are
> running exactly such systems on a daily basis.  And yet there's no
> effort to actually do those updates other than through the update
> facility which seems to have problems of its own :-)

[big snipperooski]

(hmmm... I just noticed that the reply-to is no longer set to the list...
wonder how many helpful messages I've sent back just to the senders with
the questions? <grin>)

Anyways... yeah, this is all well and good. But I've just GOT to chime in
here because I'm pulling my hair out and gnashing my teeth over an
EXTREMELY unstable Windows system right now. Granted, it's not Windows
itself, it's software conflicts with frigging Explorer 5.5. I run a
package that REQUIRES IE and I couldn't get another version. 

If the Kernel is stable on a new distro and and then more software gets
installed on top of that kernel, well hey, how is that significantly
different from what I'm experiencing? Don't get me wrong, I think in a
perfect world even all the choices I make in expert mode install should
run perfectly. But I disagree that Mandrake was any slower here about the
minor revision release thing. I, for one, got a CD with the KDE and CUPS
fixes not all that long after I'd bought the package, and I'm 99% sure
from reading the lists that these same updates were available at the
update site for your installing pleasure. 

Software conflicts are the bane of my personal existence and the reason
I'm up at 3:45 am when I have to leave for work in less than five hours.
But I can't turn from my Mandrake installation to my Windows installation
and say that Microsoft has done the bug fix thing any better. Honestly.

That and two-bits-adjusted-for-years-of-inflation will get you a cup of
coffee, but it's my opnion and I'm sticking with it. ;)


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